The scarf: the trendy hair accessory that boosts hairstyles

The sun, the beach, the holidays ... at this season, more than ever, we need colors. It falls well, scarves are there to help us put a little cheerfulness and fantasy in our everyday outfits. After the big fashion of the headband , the scarf in the hair becomes one of the key accessories of the hairstyles of the summer . And to give us pep's, we do not hesitate to opt for a scarf in shimmering colors and / or printed with colored patterns . Silk square, keffieh, who said that scarves were reserved for our grandmothers?

Hair: how to tie her scarf correctly?

To keep the scarf in place throughout the day, it is necessary to plaster it in his hair with small flat pliers, very discreet. And to avoid disaster, one must know how to choose the right scarf according to the nature of his hair . The silk square is the best ally of fine hair while the larger manes require thicker scarves. Another tip: we do not hesitate to put a little powder texturizing to give a movement of madness to our hairstyle. For a bohemian side, we tie the scarf with knot on the top of the head.

But there are plenty of other possible hairstyles with the scarf, the evidence in our slide show pictures of the most beautiful hairstyles spotted on Pinterest!