Massages, food, plants ... To fight against the tan of the summer, namely, swollen legs, here are the tips and solutions of pro. To test without delay.

  • The angiology

Dr. Didier Rastel: "These symptoms are a sign of an alteration of the venous and lymphatic circulation.To avoid stagnation of blood in the legs, place them in a slightly elevated position at rest.

Wearing compression stockings or stockings (in pharmacies) also prevents the aggravation of the pains and the evolution of the disease.

In summer, it's not always easy. But, in case of a little severe disorders, we can just put them two hours at night to facilitate drainage. Walking with strengthens their effectiveness.

In case of inconvenience during the day, we do a cure of venotonic tablets (Daflon, Cyclo 3 ...) or apply a soothing gel (Rap Phyto). If you have a tendency to swelling, self-massage can help you. We ask his physiotherapist to teach us how to do them. "

  • Herbal medicine

Dr. Eric Lorrain *: "Sweetclover improves venous return and lymphatic circulation.If the legs are heavy and the ankles swollen, it must be associated with the red vine is a good veinotonic and anti-edematous: 2 teaspoons fresh plant extracts standardized in a liter of water, to drink during the day.

When traveling, these plants can be used in tablets or capsules (Phytostandard, two per day). But if the veins are fragile (hematoma at the slightest shock, cold extremities), we prefer the duo hamamelis-red vine (same dosage).

And if the troubles are mixed, we marry the three plants. In case of difficult scarring, skin patches or varicose ulcers, add 2 teaspoons of the ginkgo-horsetail duo to treat inflammation and repair the tissues. "

* President of the European Institute of Vegetal Substances (IESV) and author of 100 questions on phytotherapy (La Boétie edition).

  • Nutrition

Thérèse Ferrari *: "Veins are organs whose cells play a major role in venous return.To feed them, you need a supply of minerals and vitamin C. Consume every day 2 lemons, 15 strawberries, 1 kiwi or 1 orange is sufficient to cover needs, but athletes, smokers or women on oral contraceptives should take more.

For a light legs diet, we add vitamin E (dried fruits, wheat germ ...), zinc (oysters, meat, fish, egg yolk) and selenium (nuts, liver, seafood, tuna ... ). "

* Author of the diet after baby (J. Lyon editions)

  • homeopathy

Albert-Claude Quemoun *: "First reflex: massage your legs with witch hazel gel, arnica and red vine, morning and evening.If the sensation of heavy legs is accompanied by impatience in the limbs, take 2 granules of Zincum metallicum 9 CH, 2 granules, 3 times a day.

During pregnancy, take Collinsonia canadensis 9 CH 3 times daily. During venous relaxation, 1 dose per week of Calcarea fluorica 9 CH is added. "

* Author of Homeopathy, it is clever (ed Leduc.s).