Christophe Danchaud, actress' favorite make-up artist, gives us his instructions for being radiant this summer. On the program: translucent complexion, light or pearly materials and a minimalist look.

  • Step 1: a golden complexion

Moisturize the skin with a day cream, massaged a few moments on the face. Then mix a dab of this cream with a foundation - or a cream BB -, chosen a half tone more golden than your usual shade. Apply with your fingertips to gain transparency. Apply a fluid concealer to the inner corner of the eye and then stick to the outer corner to illuminate the eyes. By choosing a light shade slightly rosy or apricot, one blurs dark circles better.

  • Step 2: a fresh mine

Raise the cheekbone with a bold blush - cream blush or lipstick - coral or cherry. Melt the top of the cheek up to the edge of the ring and then on the tip of the nose.

Then choose a light enough sunlight, drawing on the orange, sweep with a large brush on the cheeks over the blush, then under the chin, on the temples and the tip of the nose. Close the eyes, and quickly slide the same brush on the eyelids, continuing on the temples.

  • Step 3: a bright look

Draw a bronze pencil line inside the eye. Garnish lashes with brown or black mascara. Brush the eyebrows in the air.

  • Step 4: a tart mouth

Play the transparency of a balm , even cherry, to plump the lips and give them the appearance of a fruit.

  • Step: the finishing touch

Apply a spray mist , a mixture of oil and water, to refresh while fixing the result. It can be used three times a day, for example before a retouch.