A little raplapla in the early autumn, need to rebooster to block the evils of winter. Forget the accepted ideas. Acupuncture needles are not instruments of torture. Far from there. They gently promote the harmony of your energies.
An ancient practice from Chinese medicine
Written in the 3rd century BC, during the reign of Emperor Houang-Ti, the "Nei Tching Soug Wen" is considered as the founding work of acupuncture.
At the time, the Chinese used bamboo stems and stone punches to treat their patients. After the discovery of the metal, the steel needles took over. Taught later in the country's schools, this branch of Chinese medicine did not speak about it in France until the nineteenth century, with Dr. Cloquet's Treatise on Acupuncture, which aroused the interest of doctors and public mistrust.
In 1920, acupuncture took a real boom under the leadership of Georges Soulié de Morant, French consul in Beijing. Nicknamed the father of French acupuncture, he published in 1930 the "Precise of true Chinese acupuncture" which remains a reference.
How is a session going?
Acupuncture acts on the Qi (vital energy) that circulates in the body through the meridians. Positioned on specific points, the needles regulate the circulation of energy flows, the disturbance of which is at the origin of various disorders.
"The ideal would be to have at least one annual session, or better one at each change of season, to assess and correct the energy imbalances," says Dr. Haupert. From the first contact, in addition to a thorough interrogation to know the habits of life, the doctor observes the morphology, the complexion, the gestures, the look, the language of the patient.
It palpates, takes the pulse in area and depth to assess the state of viscera, energy and blood. "All this allows me to connect the body signs, psychic or emotional, to develop an energy diagnosis and a therapeutic strategy," she continues.
Five to twenty-five needles that "tingle"
Depending on the case, she uses five to twenty-five needles that she leaves in place thirty minutes on the meridian points to reactivate. Do not panic. It is above all a relaxing treatment. Besides, it is not rare to go to sleep during the session.
Even if the needles seem uninviting to you, the puncture is a little tingling. "I use sterile, single-use needles. The handle is a spiral braided copper, the steel tip, barely thicker than a hair (0.25mm). Once inserted into the skin, the needle becomes a dipole like a small electric battery. The tip, like a lightning rod, will drain the electric charge and stimulate the desired meridian, "she says.
The needles are stitched in a precise direction to tone or disperse the energy as needed. Sometimes to boost the stimulation, the doctor performs on some of them a small rotational movement that is completely painless.
A wide range of beneficial effects
Acupuncture can prevent and relieve a variety of imbalances related to the musculoskeletal, respiratory, gastrointestinal systems. It also helps to soothe migraines, high blood pressure, depression, help with smoking cessation and weight loss.
The WHO recognizes its effectiveness for forty-three pathologies. But this practice is not recommended in case of heavy medical treatments, lesions and pregnant women.
Only doctors holding the interuniversity diploma of acupuncture can practice this soft medicine, which benefits from special conditions of reimbursement by the Social Security and the mutuals.
A beauty treatment as an alternative to injections
The small needles have also seized beauty. Acupuncture of the face, or aculift , can be an alternative to injections.
To do this, Dr. Haupert uses about twenty shorter needles, even finer (0.16mm), whose braided spiral handle is gold plated. In place for thirty minutes, they stimulate fibroblasts that secrete collagen, restore tone to facial muscles, improve skin elasticity, delay the aging process of the skin.
At the end of the session the fine lines are smoothed, the wrinkles attenuated, the lines plumped. We can see slight redness that fade within one hour. For a basic action, several sessions are recommended; they will be all the more effective when you start early, around 35-40 years old.
Learn more ...
Healthy 4-day course including an acupuncture session. From 1636 € per person for 12 treatments and 4 nights half board.
Aculift treatment à la carte: € 90, Thalasso Miramar La Cigale, www.miramar-lacigale.com
The French Association of Acupuncturists (AFA) has identified the competent doctors. Secretariat at 04 42 52 59 07 or [email protected]