Aretha Franklin plans to open a nightclub in Detroit.

The 75-year-old will retire from the music industry this year - But she doesn't want to lie on her lazy skin. Among other things, she is toying with an excerpt from her home in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. "I'm interested in running a small nightclub in the city [Detroit]," says the singer. That is why she has been in talks with real estate agent Bruce Schwartz for "a few years". "I'm just letting him know I'm still interested. My retirement plan looks like I have a small club here in Detroit," she told USA Today.

The soul legend already has a name for the restaurant: "It would be 'Aretha's'!" The fans can be happy, because not only does the artist want to be the managing director, but she also has to stand behind the mic from time to time: "Sometimes I will sing and of course I would invite special artists to perform that the city likes - Detroit’s darlings."