If "browns do not count for plums" as Lio said in the famous song, she also emphasized that "men prefer blondes" . So how do I choose between these two colorations for my hair? Beyond the preconceived ideas associated with each hair color, this capillary decision must be carefully thought out because it is not always easy to reverse after a coloring or discoloration.

A brunette coloring for my hair?

And for those who can not make their choice or simply dream of a more nuanced result, there is the bronde. Contraction of "brunette" and "blonde", brunette coloring is a mix of these two colors. A kind of softer brown or blonde more asserted. A natural result that captures light and offers multiple reflections to your hair. In one visit to the hairdresser, your hair gives the impression of having taken the sun, as if you had gone on vacation. It is also very practical for those who want to space their coloring and go to the hairdresser. Generally more brown at the root and more blond at the tips, the hair bronds do not know the effect roots apparent to the less unsightly.

Color bronde: how to know if it suits me?

At first, ask your hairdresser for advice. Who better than a professional to advise you on the coloring to adopt? The brunette is made of shades of brown and blonde, it adapts to each color of hair and therefore to all skin tones. The rendering is each time unique and not as radical as a sharp color such as blond or brown. Difficult to deceive you and to commit a mistake of taste therefore. And if you want reflections more or less dark, tell your hairdresser! It will adapt the pose of the coloring of your hair to your desires.

We do not confuse brunette and shadow hair

The shade hair or tie and dye applies only to the lengths and offers a more nuanced result than the brown coloring. The difference in color between the roots and the tips will be greater when shaded hair. In the case of a brown coloration, it is a horizontal and vertical scanning technique which will go higher up to the roots and thus offer a more natural rendering.