Admittedly, hair loss is less frequent since all breast cancers no longer go through chemotherapy.

But exposing yourself bareheaded is not the wish of 70 to 80% of patients who do not escape.

"I experienced my hair loss as a loss of femininity, remembered Estelle, 42. The shock was more terrible than seeing me in the ice with one breast less.Wear a wig was immediately imposed.

Natural hair models still overpriced

The models in natural hair, the most realistic, remain overpriced: from 700 to 3000 €. And even if synthetic wigs are less expensive, they cost three to four times more expensive than the price reimbursed by Health Insurance according to a study of the National Caner Institute (Inca) conducted in 2015.

Fortunately, initiatives are multiplying to help disadvantaged women.

The Association "Joséphine for the beauty of women" launched in 2015 the operation "The wigs of Joséphine".

The idea: to collect the wigs of former patients in order to benefit other women ( ). Community sites , such as or , have also been created and offer support spaces where wigs can be purchased.

Many women today also adopt the headscarf or turban, accessorized with a brooch on the side or a mat on the back of the neck (ideas on ).

The latest alternative, created by Julie, with breast cancer at age 27: the Franjyne, a fake fringe associated with a turban as a revisited wig ( ).