Bougainvillea, cacti, cycas, datura, lantana, oleander, tree fern, Cape plumbago, succulents, verbena-lemongrass ... fear both frost and winter humidity. Install these beautiful chills in a bright, unheated place, ideally a small greenhouse or porch . They thus rest, prepare new blooms and are less vulnerable to parasites (white flies, mealybugs ...). Water them very little during this period.
Dwarf banana, dipladenia, gardenia, geranium, hibiscus, papyrus of the Nile ... better support the heat. You can install them at home - they will continue to flourish behind a large bay window . Continue watering normally, but not excessively.
TIP: To ease the comings and goings of your delicate plants, grow them in vats or jars, and treat yourself to a devil.
Chilly plants: how to maintain them?
Olivier, mimosa, bougainvillea, palm tree are more accustomed to the Mediterranean sun than to frost or snow. Our solutions to maintain them well in winter.
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