In nine seasons, the French series " Do not do it , do not do it" has become cult on France 2. Inevitably, by chaining jokes and comic situations, viewers could only be conquered: who never exploded to laugh at one of the hilarious scenes of Fabienne Lepic?
But what makes the show strong is also the ambivalence of the two families of heroes. On the one hand, the Bouley family: an unconventional family that refuses to impose authority as a model of education, and prefers to seek personal fulfillment rather than yell at its children. On the other hand, there are the Lepic : a strict family, in which politeness, education and obedience are the key words. Two models, two ways of doing things ... And the possibility for the public to find themselves in one or the other of the families. What would be yours ? To know, take the test!
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