The detox spirit is also learning to move to restore the balance of the body and break blockages. ­

Without imposing performance but listening and respecting each other. Fluid gestures, almost danced, work on breathing and sensations, with a leitmotif: to be "good", and not to be "more".

Release tensions and, with them, fatigue lurking in the muscles ... and the head.

Wutao and NIA are two "energetic" soft gyms that rely on body awareness to gain vitality and serenity.

  • The Wutao to unpack

The principle: i nvented ten years ago, this French discipline is a mixture of several practices: tai chi, kung fu, dance and yoga . His goal: to "circulate the stagnant energies" and find a harmony between body and mind.

In practice: the basic idea is the deployment of a wave triggered by the relaxation of the pelvis, from which a set of movements declines.

"The basin is very important: it welcomes life, hunger, impulses ...", explains Cécile Bercegeay professor of Wutao at the Tao Generation Center (Paris 19th). With ample gestures, we sweep the space by describing large spirals, we move on the ground by sliding his legs on the floor. ­

With each inspiration, we become aware of this wave that starts from the pelvis and spreads to the head. Upon expiration, the wave unfolds in the opposite direction. In the manner of a great "wrinkling", this technique allows to rediscover mobility in the spine, the diaphragm, the chest, and then the shoulders.

We release the neck and it is the posture as a whole that is recovering.

The plus: perfect when you feel "compressed" in your body: you have the sensation of breathing, like a fan that opens gradually. ­ It comes out with a supplement of tone, fatigue is erased . This very gentle gymnastics (which was initially a method of rehabilitation) is open to all.

The least: we must find this famous "wave movement of the basin", and it does not necessarily come to the first session. But by clinging a little, we get there!

Or ? In the center Generation Tao, 144, bd de la Villette, Paris 19th, tel. 01 42 40 48 30, Other addresses on

  • NIA against blockages

The principle: a mix of martial arts, modern jazz, yoga and Feldenkrais method. Far from being indigestible, this joyous mixture allows everyone to smooth out tensions and evacuate excess stress .

In practice: barefoot, one realizes movements more and more ample and loose on a catchy music.

The teacher often uses images to help feel the movement (for example, we mimic the sowing or the harvest), and each interprets the gesture with more or less amplitude, according to his abilities.

Then we go on with simple mini-kicks based on kicks and body vibrations on African rhythms ... with moments of improvisation where we are sometimes called to push a "liberating cry".

The plus: it's tonic (we spend!), We gain self-confidence (no mirror in the room). Perfect for introverted people who just want to let go of the ballast and release their body of what was blocking it.

The least: it can be difficult to "enter" the course the first time but we end up exceeding its inhibitions and it's a good crazy.

Or ? Addresses, information and schedules at 06 25 80 73 28 and on (about 120 € the ten courses of one hour).