What's the point ?
To put our body on vacation and especially our digestive system , heavily solicited. Food too rich, drugs, nicotine, food additives, pesticides: our body becomes dirty, has trouble regenerating cells and eliminate toxins . When no food is absorbed, the liver rests, the body draws on its reserves and carries out a large interior cleaning.

Is it really for me?
Yes, if you really want to adopt this approach as a whole. Fasting is also a philosophy . It aims to purify the body and mind , to slow down. You do not need to fast just to lose weight ... You'll immediately get the extra pounds back (about 500g per day). But these days of dieting can be a good way to start a real diet . Do not go fast if you suffer from eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia), if you are diabetic, if you are too thin. For a monthly diet of a few days, avoid the period of the rules. If it allows to regain vitality , at first, fasting fatigue.

Fast or monodiète?
Doing a strict fast with water or herbal tea can be difficult when working or having children. However, we can also decide to ingest only one food in the day ( monodiète ): a fruit (apples, grapes, strawberries ...), a cooked vegetable (turnip, carrots ...) or a cereal (quinoa, rice ...) as often as you want. Taking a single food facilitates its assimilation by the body . Warning: diets based on raw fruits can give food cravings by stimulating insulin.

How long ?
At home, you can start with food breaks for one day a month. For 24 hours, only drink vegetable broth and fruit juice . You can try to fast three days next time to spend another six days. It must be known: it is only the third day that the body draws from its deepest reserves and starts to eliminate toxins . It is therefore completely unnecessary to skip a meal regularly to detox . As for therapeutic fasts medically supervised, they last about three weeks ...

Enter and leave the fast
These are probably moments as important as fasting itself. For three days of diet, one must prepare a day and a half in advance (for six days, three days in advance, etc.) by removing tobacco, coffee, alcohol, then gradually removing all animal proteins ( egg, milk, meat) of your food, drinking more and more water or herbal tea. The reintroduction is done in the same way, chewing and eating slowly.
Thanks to Dr. Paule Nathan, nutritionist.

The best way to fast
Exercising during fasting stimulates the metabolism and supports the burning of fat . Céleste Cândido (co-founder of the Federation Fasting and Hiking) organizes with her association Salutterre weeks of fasting and walking, and detox weeks: the food is reduced without being removed. Group fasting helps support each other. From 150 € the week.
Federation Fasting and Hiking: www.ffjr.com

Practical guide: The surprising virtues of fasting , by Sophie Lacoste (Editions Leduc.s).
The Bible: The art of fasting Françoise Wilhemi Toledo (editions Jouvence).