Harrison Ford found it a great honor to work with Ryan Gosling.

The two actors filmed 'Blade Runner 2049' together and the 75-year-old obviously enjoyed the joint project with the colleague very much, especially because of his fresh and inventive ideas.

"Mr. Gosling, yes, I found it strange that he insisted on being called Mr. Gosling, but I got over it. So Mr. Gosling has always come by, has imaginative ideas, and he's very eloquent when it comes to his ideas go. It is a great honor to work with him, "the actor told the People magazine. He also gives a funny insight into the set work. Gosling had recently claimed that Ford accidentally hit him in the face during a fight scene. "He ran into my fist. It hardly hurt me," he quipped in the interview.

The 36-year-old himself is a big Harrison fan and was pretty nervous most of the time when filming. "I was in a constant state of nervousness. It was surreal to be part of this film, which is so important in terms of film history. And to go to work and hang out with Harrison Ford in these situations ... I'm a lucky guy." The film will be shown in German cinemas on October 5th.