Home coloring: the keys to dye your hair like a pro
Published on 03/18/2025 09:37
Illuminate its nuance, revive its color, camouflage its white hair like a pro ... Everything is possible with a homemade coloring. Provided you opt for a custom formula.
Simple discreet glare or radical change of the color of the hair, the coloring can be a solution to change of head.
And if at the hairdresser, it can be expensive, we have the solution to do it ourselves. There are a number of different brands, references and types of colorations.
To help us make the right choice, we asked David Merveille, a Schwarzkopf home color specialist, some questions. How to choose your color? What are the good questions to ask before starting to color home? He gives us all his tips.
1/3 What house coloring choose?
Andrea Adriani / IMAXTREE.COM
Like at the hairdresser, there are 3 types of colorations, which vary according to the coverage of the white hair desired, the holding of the coloring.
Temporary colorings: they hold up to 6 or 8 shampoos and have the advantage of being without ammonia and without oxygenated water. However, they do not make it possible to lighten the hair or to darken more than 2 tones and only cover the white hair at 30%.
Semi-permanent or tone-on-tone stains: they are ammonia-free, but contain hydrogen peroxide. If they hold much longer than temporary coloring, they also do not allow to lighten or darken hair more than one tone. They cover 50% white hair.
Permanent stains: they contain hydrogen peroxide and can be with or without ammonia. They allow everything to be done within reasonable limits and aesthetics and can cover up to 100% of white hair. Every month and a half, it is necessary to refresh the coloring, because with the regrowth of the hair, the roots reappear.
2/3 How to choose the right hair color?
Matteo Scarpellini / IMAXTREE.COM
Before embarking on the coloring house, David Merveille advises to carry out a color diagnosis. You must be able to answer the following questions:
What is my basic color?
This is the most important question and the one that determines the success of our color. All hair coloring brands offer color charts. In general, it is advisable to darken and lighten up to 3 shades for a natural result. Thus, a coppery reflection is not recommended for brown hair because we may not see anything. Conversely, the mahogany brown color is not recommended for blondes for whom the change may be too brutal.
How to determine our natural color? There are 10 natural hair colors: black, brown, dark chestnut, chestnut, light brown, dark blond, blond, light blond, very light blond, very very light blond. Redheads are positioned midway between chestnut and dark blond. In order not to deceive us, we ask the question to a colorist.
Otherwise, we look at the color of our roots and we observe our lengths in the light of day to determine the basic one.
Do I already have colored hair?
In this case, it will be necessary to take into account the old coloring before choosing the shade of its new house coloring.
What is my percentage of white hair?
The answer to this question partly determines the type of coloring you will choose: temporary, semi-permanent or permanent.
How long is my hair?
The answer determines the amount of product needed. Short hair will need one box, long hair two while for medium hair it will depend on the thickness and nature of the hair.
What are our expectations?
There are different types of homemade colorations that meet different wishes. We opt for one or the other depending on the one that is determined as a priority: cover the white hair, darken, lighten or simply make reflections ... It's up to us to determine.
3/3 How to house coloring?
If you still hesitate between two shades, always choose the clearest, because there is still time to go to the next color, the opposite will not be possible.
Once we have chosen our shade and we are about to make the house color, it is important to read the manual before launching: it indicates the exposure time which can be between 10 (for express colorations) and 30 minutes. To respect this time to the letter is the golden rule for the success of the color.
Then take the utensils out of the box: coloring and gloves, we will have to sacrifice a towel to protect our clothes. To avoid staining your face, it is recommended to put moisturizer - a day cream will do just fine - one centimeter of the scalp all around the head skull (forehead, ears and neck). This protects our skin from any staining that the product could do.
If, clumsily, you end up with dye on the skin, do not panic, just clean with a cotton pad soaked in water and shampoo or cleansing milk. The ideal is to do it directly after the incident, without waiting for the end of the exposure time.