Inevitably, it is always in the middle of the night or during the weekend that one needs emergency repair . But there is no question of drawing in the pubs that overflow from our mailbox. To avoid scams, the first reflex is to ask for a reliable contact with a friend, his guardian or his insurer . On Paris (and soon in Province), one can test the free community app "Doyouno": the craftsmen are classified according to the opinions of the users. Convenient !

No agreement without estimate!

Whatever the price of the service , it must be communicated in advance and in writing . On the quote, do not forget to check the name and address of the company, but also the name, quantity and unit price of all products and operations required. Thus, you will be able to check the total amount HT and TTC and give your green light , before the end of validity of the offer noted on the estimate. If your budget is a little tight, you can always try to negotiate.

A bill if nothing

Before you write a check, you will get a note ! The address of the service provider, the detailed statement of the products sold, the hours worked by the staff and the hourly rate must be indicated on the latter. Not only will it be your insurance if there is still a problem, but it will also be practical the day you want to do the accounts!

Whether it's a plumbing or lock repair, remember, you're entitled to keep the parts defective . Under certain conditions, this is not possible. But in this case, the provider must sign a waiver.

* Awareness campaign DGCCRF "Do you troubleshoot, not scam" (infos: