Ink stains are part of our daily problems. Between pens that flee in the purse or in a pocket, and children who discover an artist's soul, no one is safe from a stain of ink . Learn the little secrets of stain remover ink in their every subtleties.
Clean an ink stain on fabric
If ink has stained a cotton garment, open your refrigerator to find the proper stain remover: a simple tomato. You cut out a slice, and drop it on the stain . After a few minutes, the ink will have been absorbed, and you can wash your garment with the machine. On cotton, a hair spray is also effective. You spray and then rub with a clean cloth. For synthetic fabrics, you have the choice to rub the stain with toothpaste or with a mixture of salt and lemon juice. Remember to wash your fabric immediately after the operation.
Clean an ink stain on a wall
Every family has one day discovered on its white wall a pretty drawing done in ink by a child. If the intention is good, the fact remains that the wall is less immaculate. If your child thinks he is a wall artist, first erase the ink stain with a simple white eraser. Avoid colored gums that may leave other marks. Then, pass on the stain a cotton swab that you will have previously dipped in white spirit.
Clean an ink stain on leather
Your pen accidentally leaked on your sofa or in your leather bag , and it's a disaster. To clean the ink stain , mix a few drops of white vinegar with moisturizer. Rub gently with a cotton leather at the spot of the stain by making circles. If the ink stain persists, rub a towel that you have soaked in alcohol at 90 °. After cleaning the stain , apply a mild cleansing milk to rehydrate the leather.