Since our childhood, we hear about the benefits of honey on health. Well Named ! His abilities to heal us seem undeniable. Several scientific studies attest to its effectiveness on healing wounds, but also on coughs. So our grandmothers were right. In warm milk at night, with lemon, in grog, there are a thousand and one ways to heal with honey. But associated with clove, it is a real miracle against dry cough, the one that irritates the airways, which clears the throat as soon as you cough, and is particularly painful. If, most of the time, it lasts only 2 or 3 days, so to do without it.
Search your kitchen cupboards for a natural remedy
If cloves are very effective against toothache because of its antalgic properties, they are also an ultra-precious ally against coughs. His strong point? Its main asset, eugenol. This allows him to calm the coughing, while the honey plays the anti-irritation actor. Both together are the main ingredients of a natural syrup, anti-dry cough.
My natural cough syrup, step by step
Ingredients : fairly liquid organic honey, cloves.
The material :: a pot that closes.
Use : let macerate in 250 ml of honey, 5 to 6 cloves overnight. In the morning remove the cloves. Swallow a spoon during coughing spells.
Thanks to Laurence Lebrun, pharmacist-herbalist. His blog: