Preparing the nail for varnish application

Using a cardboard file, we always start from the outside towards the center without going back and forth to avoid splitting them. Then, the polisher is played on the entire surface of the nail to smooth it and allow a better hold of the varnish and a lacquered finish.

Tip : if our nails split, we put on a file with crystal chips. Its secret: at each passage, particles are lodged in the interstices and clog them.

The cuticles are pampered

The cuticles are taken care of by massaging them with an emollient cream. Then they are pushed back with a box of boxwood surrounded by cotton. Be careful not to cut the cuticle, otherwise it will be damaged.

Tip : pass a cotton soaked in alcohol at 90 ° to remove traces of fat, which prevent the varnish from hanging.

The basis is the basis!

True a rampart between lacquer and keratin, the base keeps the nail healthy, protects it from pigments and hangs the color.

Tip : between two poses of varnish, one makes poultices of skin of orange and lemon. Their pulp is whitening and strengthens the brittle nails.

Lay the varnish like a pro

The first layer, very thin and well stretched, is made with little product. The second is a little more busy. The technique: the brush is wringed around the neck to leave only a drop at its end. • One line at the center, then one on each side, starting at 1 mm from the base of the nail. We wait 15 min between each layer: it holds better and the second layer dries much faster.

Tip : Remove the burrs with a toothpick surrounded by a cotton veil soaked in solvent.

Should it shine

A coat of top coat highlights the varnish and multiplies by two its hold. The drying time is well respected: at least three quarters of an hour.

Tip : top coat under the free edge of the nail strengthens the varnish. To save time, one thinks of the dryer, it accelerates the evaporation of the solvents of the varnish.

3 tips to make your varnish last

? Carefully clean the neck on each use to prevent it dries too quickly.

? It does not lengthen its varnish with alcohol or solvent, it tarnishes it and breaks the formula. Only solution, add a few drops of special diluent (Mavala, L'Onglerie). ?

? To keep it liquid and keep its color intact, it is sheltered in a drawer. Especially not in the fridge, too cold, nor in the bathroom where it's too hot.