Want a sweep? One rule: to free oneself. We want to give pep's color and depth to his haircut. For this, nothing better than a scan. And hairdressers are full of imagination to propose formulas and techniques that change and that dishevel. To discover the 1001 new proposals of the hairdressers, zoom on the new sweeps.

Inspired by the famous makeup technique, the contouring color method , also known as "strobing", consists of sculpting the locks that surround the face to highlight certain areas of your face. The colorist works tailor-made, depending on the morphology of the face and brings shadows on the contours of the hair. It is no longer the haircut that is tapered, but the color.
Where to do it? Indian Sun at Franck Provost, Contouring Color at Biguine, Sunlight at Dessange

Certainly, makeup inspires colorists. As for a smokey , we give the color a melted effect. The hair is wick wicked, intensifying the color on the lengths, to create a fade effect. This is the new dark hair, which also works with pastel colors or pearly grays. The color increases in intensity on the tips and the lengths. There is also the technique of fade with darker roots, which allows a regrowth without root effect.
Where to do it? At Saint-Algue or at Biguine "smoky" or "Roots Color"

Changing the color and the light according to the way one is wearing is the principle of "auto-reverse" scanning, which can be done in Camille Albane. We come to light the lower part of the hair so that the light infuses when the hair is raised in a bun . Shades are created with the styling movement. Beautiful on a chestnut and resolutely trend!
Where to do it? Self-reverse scan at Camille Albane, reverse scan at Dessange

For a result supported and full of contrast, one seeks to obtain a changing shade, according to the light and the styling. The roots and the mid-lengths are darkened with gloss techniques, to create depth. And for the light, it clarifies the contours of the face, which gives a sun effect. The contrast between the roots and the lengths is emphasized, especially on the blond, which is illuminated by keys. And if we want to play with original colors, we put on pastels!
Where to do it? Mix & Match at Jean Louis David, Color Charm or Color Boost at Coiff & Co, scan at Dessange

This is the very idea of sweeping: creating volume and giving movement to dull hair . By mixing two very close shades, applied in light touches to bring relief in all subtlety. On blondes, we create brighter colors, on browns and browns, deep colors. In Jean Louis David, Arctic Light Extreme brings depth by playing with the color of the roots, as a reminder on the tips.
Where to do it? Arctic Light Extreme at Jean Louis David, Sweep 2 Ors at Franck Provost, Touche Color Butterfly at Intermède or Color Sweet at Coiff & Co