If this technique of layering is based first of all on patience and rigor, it can quickly compete with the quality of a pro makeup. More and more popular with women who want a flawless complexion, this technique is largely inspired by Japan and their art of "saho" which consists of superimposing on his face, morning and evening, different layers of cleansing and purifying care following a methodical order. A ritual also called "Millefeuille" in France and filed by the blogger "The Chronicles of Sonia".

The particularity of layering in make up
Like a millefeuille, we superimpose parsimonious applications of different bases of complexion or powders:

"On the eyes, to achieve a perfect gradient, for example, apply first applies the densest shade and then more and more clear." explains Noriko.
By proceeding in stages, "first a base dyed, then a foundation, a colored powder, blush alternating the textures of the creamiest to the powderiest.
The principle is to respect the application of the darkest to the clearest. It can be pretty simple even if it takes a bit longer ... "

technical layering complexion dyed perfection

With products adapted to make up layering
For example, for eyes a cream concealer, a cream shadow and a powder shadow (or more depending on the desired effect).

Make-up order from Noriko make-up Artist Shiseido

Shiseido Foundation Perfecting Foundation
Shiseido Focused Focus Key
Natural Complexion Shiseido Perfector
Shiseido loose powder
Shiseido Trio Face Enhancer

make up prduits layering shiseido