Lily James was robbed.

The 28-year-old actress was in France for the weekend to cast her role in 'Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again!' to rehearse when her bag and passport were stolen. A source told The Sun: "When she realized that her passport was also gone, she panicked and felt like there was no way back to the UK."

However, James managed to get a permit that allowed her to travel back to her home country. "Thank God the bosses negotiated a permit. It was all very stressful," said the insider. The British is currently working on the long-awaited musical sequel to Meryl Streep, Colin Firth and Amanda Seyfried.

The 'Baby Driver' actress had wanted a bit of variety in her career for a long time because she was only offered the same roles for a while. As 'Contactmusic' reported, the brunette beauty now wants to try out her biting characters: "'Baby Driver' was fresh air for me. There are challenges in all my projects, but I really, really loved trying out something completely different and want to do more of it in the future. A little more rock and roll, yes. But you do what appears to be the best challenge or character or filmmaker at the moment. And it turns out a lot of the roles that I played were naive because of my age and English background. I'm grateful that I got beyond that. "