Mineral salts present in quantity in our organism
The main mineral salts are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur. Trace elements are present in low doses. This category includes iron, copper, manganese, iodine, fluorine and selenium. Minerals are components of bones, nails, teeth, blood, muscles. A varied and balanced food covers our needs, it is necessary to manage its daily contributions of minerals according to our age, our sex and our habits of life.

Some minerals, their action and their sources
We need calcium for the health of our skeleton. It intervenes on the coagulation of the blood, the blood pressure, the contraction of the muscles. It is essentially in dairy products. Iron acts on the formation of red blood cells, new cells and neurotransmitters. Offal, crustaceans and legumes bring it to us. Magnesium contributes to healthy bones and teeth, muscle contraction, the nervous system and the immune system. Legumes, whole grains and spinach bring us some. Phosphorus plays on the health of bones and teeth, it helps the regeneration of tissues. It is present in legumes, sunflower seeds, milk and yogurt, some offal and fish. Potassium promotes digestion and participates in nerve impulses. It is in legumes, fruits and potatoes.