Angelina Jolie demands justice in Myanmar.

The actress, who also acts as a special ambassador for the UNHCR refugee agency, has spoken out clearly against violence against the Muslim Rohingya in Myanmar. She also criticized the attitude of Prime Minister Aung San Suu Kyi. "It is perfectly clear that the violence of the army is ending, that refugees have to be allowed to return," she told Welt am Sonntag. The Rohingya are considered stateless in Myanmar and have fought violently with the country's militias since August. Hundreds are said to have been killed and more than 400,000 refugees have fled to Bangladesh so far.

So far, the head of government has been silent about the events, for which it is sharply criticized internationally. In the direction of Suu Kyi, Jolie says: "I believe that the moment has come when you cannot remain silent." The head of government should be "the voice of human rights in this situation". Myanmar should finally recognize the minority as a citizen, Jolie spoke of "ethnic cleansing", as the UN Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Secretary-General said earlier.