Muriel Bertozzi, beautician, enlighten us on the technique of dermopigmentation of the lips.

Dermopigmentation of the lips: what is it?

The dermopigmentation of the lips, or so-called permanent or semi-permanent make-up, is a technique that consists in injecting bioresorbable mineral pigments into the dermis of the lips using a very fine needle.

Long associated with a too conspicuous coloration, semi-permanent makeup techniques have improved and tend today to much more natural results.

A technique also used for makeup eyebrows and eyes (line eyeliner).

Who is the permanent makeup of the lips for?

It is aimed at women who want to increase the volume of their lips very slightly when they are too thin or non-existent, to redraw their contours to make them sharper or simply to color their mouth so they do not have to (re) put lipstick every day.

How is the session?

After discussion with the client to find out what she wants, the beautician makes a first "test" plot to get a first look at the result.

Then, it picks up the pigment using the needle and carries out the final layout with back and forth movements.

For a first session, some beauticians prefer to have a light hand and not get too far from the natural color of the lips, even if it means "ironing" and accentuating the color a month later.

How long will the makeup hold?

As a rule, a dermopigmentation completely fades after one or two years.

It all depends on the skin and color chosen: the more it is alive, the longer it will last.

Can we erase it if the result is not satisfactory?

Yes, but you have to use a laser, a very expensive and painful technique. So you have to think carefully before you start!

Is it painful? What are the possible side effects and contraindications?

We will not lie: it is not pleasant and we usually feel some tingling, but it is bearable. If one is really "cozy", it is always possible to apply anesthetic ointment.

The only side effect that can occur is a slight swelling of the lips, only the same day.

The important thing is to ensure that the beautician uses a quality pigment. So do not hesitate to ask to see the container in which it is located and must be marked "sterile".

Side contraindications, dermopigmentation is not recommended in case of herpes. If you really want to try it, then you have to take a treatment three days before the session.

How much does it cost ?

Count between 300 and 450 euros according to institutes and aesthetic clinics.