Star Wars Star Wars
Almost a new planet in a very distant galaxy .... In fact it's an idea of what the next Disney park would look like, entirely dedicated to the Stars Wars universe since Disney became the owner of the brand imagined by the director and producer Georges Lucas. Announced since August 2015, this dedicated space (extensions in fact) within Disneyworld should cover about 5 hectares in Disney parks in Florida but also in California. This is the first time that there will be a Star Wars theme park even though we already knew the Star Tours attraction, inspired by the Star Wars universe, in Disney parks.
Discuss with han Solo and the Stormtroopers?
At the announcement, we were promised a "new planet" never seen in Star Wars movies. Looking at the image, you can see an Imperial ship , an area for the landing of the Millennium Falcon , the Han Solo ship, co - piloted by the very hairy (and grumpy) Chewbacca. But what should especially appeal to the fans of the saga is the reconstruction and atmosphere: we should be able to circulate between the Stormtroopers , chat with the robots C3PO and R2D2 . Humanoids, droids and other aliens will occupy the place .... The designers even work on the senses and especially the odors to imagine the perfumes that can emanate from these strange inhabitants.
Disney's new attractions
In terms of attractions, little is known except that 2 new attractions could put the public at the controls of the Millennium Falcon and in the middle of a betta between the First Order and the Resistance .... Construction of the site began in spring 2016. Star Wars Land is expected to open before the end of the decade.