Finished the white flakes of the winter, place with the sunny grounds of the summer! Because on your nails, this season, the trend is rather colorful.


Side reasons, place to the exotic! We reproduce the sunsets, we adorn her nails with pretty colorful flowers and for the most greedy, we embark on the creation of seasonal fruits. Pineapple, strawberries, watermelons ... We would eat almost! Finally, for the most skilled, know that one of the most popular reasons this summer is ... the pink flamingo. With your brushes!

Side colors, we leave the pastel shades in the spring. This summer, the flagship colors are yellow (the trend color of the year 2015) and the mint color with water . But more generally, we rely on very flashy colors. In color block or gradient, we put on fluo and neon tones. Another trend very present on social networks, the effect marbled. Achievable with many colors and patterns to choose from, the marbling gives your nails a fluid and vaporous color gradient.

How to do ?

To achieve a beautiful color gradient, prefer the technique of the sponge. Simple and effective, it allows to make on your nails a gradual gradient of two or three shades. To do this, first moisten one of the flat sides of your sponge. On the same side, drop two or three bands of colors. The ideal, for a nice fade, is to have them overlap slightly. Then, apply the sponge gradually to your fingernail, from right to left, and repeat the operation two or three times. The trick, to get a beautiful color, is to apply beforehand a base of white varnish on your nails. And finally, apply a final layer of top coat.

To realize your reasons, several solutions are possible. Easy to use: stencils. Stickers, the stencils are to be deposited on the nail and to take off once the varnish applied. It remains to find patterns to your taste. Very common also, the technique of stamping. At first, on a metal plate where the pattern of your choice appears, apply a touch of varnish. Then in a second time, drop your stamp on the pattern, then put it on your nail.