In France, poinsettia is an emblem of Christmas decorations. Also called " Christmas star " by gardeners, this plant symbolizes the end of year celebrations.

Poinsettia: a plant from Mexico

The poinsettia comes straight from Mexico where it was nicknamed " La Flor de la Noche Buena ". Translate: the flower of the Holy Night . If the plant becomes a symbol of Christmas as early as the 16th century, the culture of poinsettia as an interior flower only appeared in the 1950s. Its star-shaped petals and its red and green color recall the pretty decorations of Christmas that we put on the tree or on the tables.

Nicknamed the Advent star or Christmas star , today, poinsettia is found in all the houses of the world during the period of the celebrations of end of years.

How to keep your poinsettia?

The poinsettia is elegant and especially trendy . Red, white, pink, small or larger petals ... The plant attracts the greatest number and not just at Christmas. One can have a poinsettia at home anytime. And to enjoy it for a long time, it is necessary to take care of it and for that, to adopt the good gestures.

The poinsettia is a tropical plant that likes to be in rooms where the temperature is between 15 ° and 20 ° . It is therefore preferably put in the living room or in a room exposed to the sun. Also, it is watered often but with little water each time.