Knotted by a tie, the ponytail really became democratic in 1845 following the invention of the elastic by the British Stephen Perry.

At the time, hair was gathered through fabric ties, less practical and more limited in terms of hairstyles. This invention marks the beginning of a new era for hairdressing and for the ponytail, practical but also chic.

Classic or sophisticated: each with its own style

Hairdresser's favorite hairstyle for not having hair in his eyes, the ponytail is also a favorite evening hairstyle.

Purists can wear it as simply as possible: the hair pulled back and attached to the middle of the skull leaving the wavy lengths naturally. Nevertheless, variants exist and allow to affirm different styles: braided ponytail , tail-of-horse reversed ...

So, if we want to boost our ponytail and give ourselves the tunes of tennis-woman, we can for example draw inspiration from the palm of our childhood.

Armando Grillo / Alessandro Lucioni / Matteo Volta /

Wiser, low-pony tail, is also easy hairstyle to achieve. Rebuilt by the stars and mannequins on the last parades, it is energized by texturing the hair, enhancing it with accessories and braids.

Another trend: the loose attachment. We pass from a slightly austere headdress to something resolutely feminine, piles in the tendency of the return to the natural.

A hairstyle to adapt to the contours of her face

Sometimes severe and strict, sometimes impertinent or childish, it can respond to all capillary desires.

If this hairstyle clears the face to highlight it, it should nevertheless be specified that it highlights the slightest defect.

One will have to trick to correct one ear higher than another with a stripe on the side, a forehead too large by a fringe or a large wick and sparse areas in root by camouflaging them with a colored spray.

Lighter-Hahn / Jorgensen Nils / Startraks / Olivera JC / DDP USA / Abaca

A high ponytail to clear the neck, a low ponytail to lengthen the face, a ponytail to the side to break its too wise side or a loose ponytail a romantic look. Everything is possible.

Moreover, it is the ideal hairstyle to highlight a make-up of the carbon eyes.