
Rose bush
Height: 1-1,5 m
Spreading: 1 m
Flowering: from June until autumn
Size: March

Good to know
There is a version called "climbing", difficult to drive, steep and unconventional, which is certainly not worth the shrub.

Thank you MC editions ... This file is from the book "100 Garden Ideas: Roses without worry, 60 varieties easy to cultivate" , where you will find other valuable tips for gardening with passion and expertise!


This rosebush exudes health through all pores. Its ultra-vigorous shoots, with strong spines, are furnished with large satin leaves, dark green, unalterable even under hail! The flowers are the measure of the rest: almost odorless , they are on the other hand large and very double, wavy, and take a pink cream tone edged with soft pink, the most luminous effect. Quite a lot, they flourish regularly throughout the summer.


This force of nature grows everywhere, but of course prefers a consistent soil and sun . The size must be quite short , otherwise you will be exceeded, in every sense of the word, including width. Diseases are rarely marked, except sometimes black spots and rust, under particularly unfavorable conditions. However the health of the shrub is never threatened.