We only talk about him. Normal: gold is a safe bet.

Insensitive to inflation, unalterable, stainless, it resists weather, weather and never tarnishes. From grandmother's remedy to Chinese ancestral medicine, it has been used since time immemorial. Real gem for our health, its spectrum of action continues to grow.

Biocompatible, therefore perfectly tolerated by the body, resistant to microbial colonization, it is the preferred material for dental crowns, hearing aids, pacemakers or artery protection plates.

A raw material perfectly assimilable by the body and insensitive to corrosion ...

Gold, a stimulating and anti-stress mineral

The luxurious metal radiates healthy virtues whose natural medicines, oligotherapy and homeopathy in the first place, experience the benefits for fifty years. With amazing results.

"Taken in the form of a trace element, gold stimulates the body's defense and adaptation capacities in the face of the disturbances of the immune system, decrypts Gilles Mondoloni, osteopathic doctor and oligotherapist. * After a physical shock (fall, surgical intervention) ) or psychic (depression, nightmares, falling vital energy, repeated infections), it reinforces immunity and helps fight against stress. "

This natural dopant owes its anti-fatigue and anti-stress properties to its ability to activate the functioning of the adrenal glands and, therefore, to stimulate the release of cortisol.

Naturally anti-inflammatory, it also treats cases of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

"The active ingredients of gold are still little known, and its prescription remains, alas, not widespread, regrets the doctor.Some practitioners know that in the elderly, especially the octogenarians, it stimulates enzymatic reactions, the system digestive and neuronal, and helps curb aging. "

Only recommendation of the oligotherapist: "Avoid playing sorcerer's apprentices and pour into self-medication, because a bad indication can destabilize the metabolism." We are in any case very far from the powder of perlimpinpin.

MariaArefyeva / iStockphoto.com

A new vein in oncology

The future of the precious metal is written in gold letters when we move to the reign of nanoscience that can magnify objects millions of times.

At the nanometer scale, the unexpected properties of gold offer promising prospects in the fight against cancer. Scientists use gold nanoparticles to locate and destroy cancer cells with greater precision.

Gold is inert, but when its size is less than 5 nanometers, it becomes very active, and its chemistry changes dramatically.

"The challenge" Diagnose cancer early, so before the appearance of nodules, "says physicist and lecturer Olivier Pluchery. Gold would settle on the diseased cell and be quickly and accurately spotted by X-rays.

Targeting cancer cells through these gold nanoparticles would already be a big step in the early diagnosis of cancer. But according to the CNRS, we can go even further in healing.

Two main areas of research seem to emerge: photothermy (already used for cancers of the neck and head), which consists of heating the nanoparticle to burn cancer cells selectively, without altering the rest of the body. And the vectorization, which allows grafting on the gold nanoparticles molecules "killer" that will attach to the diseased cells and destroy them by sparing healthy tissue.

The impact of this research is considerable because, to date, the available treatments have collateral effects. "Ultimately, these non-intrusive methods could replace chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which indistinctly hit the good and the bad cells," the researcher hopes.

Clinical trials in animals show encouraging results, particularly in the treatment of cancers of the prostate, pancreas and brain. A hope in solid gold.

Virtues acclaimed to preserve the health of the skin

These virtues could not leave the cosmetic industry behind.

"Gold is an overpowering antioxidant and an excellent cell regenerator," says Frédérique de Paillette, La Prairie training manager, "to get it to our cells, the researchers are introducing it into water-based care. colloidal (formed of particles, ed.) The compact gold is first micronized at the nanometer scale in order to cross the stratum corneum (the most superficial, ed) before being put in an aqueous solution. colloidal gold acts at the level of the dermis layer by slowing down the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers, to which is added an immediate and exceptional surface brightness, because pure gold has the ability to reflect light without altering it. "

So, in terms of care, everyone goes there with his golden drop so as not to spill over time. Already Cleopatra had recourse to this precious metal, in masks each evening before going to sleep, to preserve her complexion.

* Author of "Healing by osteopathy" (Odile Jacob).