What are vitamins for?
The etymology of the word vitamin contributes to the explanation of these essential organic substances. It comes from the Latin "vita" which means "life". And for good reason, vitamins are essential to humans, participating in the proper functioning of our body. Have a beautiful skin, keep a good dose of energy even in winter or boost our immune defenses, vitamin remains our health asset.
The different kinds of vitamins
Note that the body does not produce vitamins in a natural way, so it is essential to go find them in our diet. Vitamin C will guarantee an energy supply, while vitamin E will slow down the aging of the skin. There is also vitamin A perfect to keep a good view and a beautiful skin. Finally, for example, vitamin B1 will allow the good functioning of our brain faculties.
Vitamin A, B, C, E ... Each vitamin is important and contributes to our good health.
Foods rich in vitamins
The vitamins are numerous, a healthy and varied diet is essential to guarantee to the Man a necessary contribution and to avoid the deficiencies.
Fruits and vegetables, meats ... Vitamins are present in many foods. In case of deficiencies, you can also opt for dietary supplements.