Cures juice "d e tox" to cleanse the body

A few pounds less, flawless skin, vibrant hair , a strong immune system, energy to spare ... The cures of "detox" juice delivered home in pack ready to consume are full of promise. After having cardboard in the United States, they arrive in France and several brands are embarking on this niche. Among them: BoJus, Detox Delight, Dietox, Nubio, Kitchendiet, Bob's Cold Press ...

The idea is simple: return to a similar fasting punctuated with vegetable juice and fruit to allow our digestive system to take a break and our body to release its toxins. "Instead of spending time digesting, the stomach self-cleans thanks to the juice cure," says Marie-Victoire Debré, co-creator of BoJus detox treatments.

The choice of fruits and vegetables, which will become juices once passed through the centrifuge box, is not random: carrot, beet and celery for their depurative and draining properties of the liver, spinach to calm the intestine , cucumber and fennel for kidneys. A little pineapple for its cleansing virtues , lemon and apple for the liver ... "The more vegetables in the juice, the better," continues Marie-Victoire Debré. Most of the detoxifying properties are concentrated in vegetables. The fruits allow them to soften the taste of the juices. "

In concrete è knitted lis happens?

During a detox cure, we eat only vegetable juice. No meal, no snack , no coffee with friends ... But it's not that easy. Our advice to beginners: start smoothly with a single day of detox cure.

For the initiated, however, most fresh juice cures comes in 3 or 5 day version. Everything is a question of motivation! One or two days before starting your detox , you skip the big meals, the animal proteins and get ready by drinking a lot of water and herbal teas . We are also trying to stop smoking.

Do these 100% juice treatments have side effects ?

Yes, but they are not systematic and vary from person to person. The most common: headaches , pimples and diarrhea. But, according to the pros, it's a good sign: "It means that we eliminate toxins and therefore we detoxify," explains Marie-Victoire Debré.

Detox treatments are obviously not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and sick people undergoing medical treatment.

A little co u d e teuses the tox juice cures!

If the cures of detox juice (organic) purify the body, they also lighten the wallet. Count around 60 € the day of cure which includes on average 5 to 6 juices. This price includes delivery (at home or at the office) of cold pressed juices.

Our good plan to play the detox small price: prepare your own juice at home ... provided you have a good juicer and choose plants from organic farming to avoid pesticide residues ( recipes in Cures of juice fresh, Christine Bailey, ed editions Tredaniel, 16.90).

Detox Smoothie Recipe by marieclaire-en

The cure of e tox is not a r e diet

And if the cures of fresh juice stamped detox actually allow to lighten and even lose 1 or 2 pounds (provided you follow the option 3 days), they do not constitute a slimming diet so far. "We do not decide to start a detox cure to lose 3 pounds, says Marie-Victoire Debré. The cure can be a choke way to start a diet if one pays attention to what one eats after. "

Again, pay attention to the pounds lost in express and resumed immediately. For the effects of a diet to be sustainable, it is necessary to be patient, to review in the long term his eating habits and to practice sport regularly .