After the choice of the wedding dress comes the one, no less crucial, of the wedding hairstyle. And when you have short hair when you say "yes", how to comb your hair to look crazy, romantic and feminine? Which hairstyle will emphasize the length of your dress, the fall of the shoulders, the fall of the kidney unveiled by a neckline in the back? Should we necessarily wear an accessory with a wedding hairstyle for short hair? And if we opted instead for a short cut elegant and refined, perfectly smoothed lengths, skillfully structured styling and bright color?
For short-haired brides, the importance is to reveal the strengths of her face, and to shine the color of her hair, in accordance with the choice of wedding dress and make-up. Graphic and structured Bob, short boyish cut with a textured and glamorous wick or short cut with tapered wick to dress up the look? Glamorous curls, romantic notches, smooth and asymmetric locks ... there are many ideas to comb your hair on the day of her wedding with short hair. Side coloring, we put on light scans that illuminate the complexion and sublimate the look, illuminated by keys to destruct a color too uniform. We put on blond oscillating platinum to golden blonde, brown caramel to chestnut brown ... To help you, proposes you its most beautiful inspirations hair wedding hair special short hair.