What do women want from a man? There are certain qualities that women admire in the traditional image of a gentleman which are not always present in the behaviour of our generation; simple things such as giving up a seat on the train, or opening a door for her. Even down to dating, with new dating apps circulating our phones, finding a man has become more and more superficial, making it harder to find a man with those traditional ‘Mr Darcy’ qualities we have all dreamt of.

The answer lies in new online platform, The Fraternity & Co; a network of like-minded men from all walks of life, bonded by values and shared beliefs and connecting each other to one hub. To become a part of this network, members are chosen because they adhere to common values of what it means to be a gentleman and in turn, they will form an algorithm to ultimately create THE “modern gentleman”.

What does a Gentleman look like? The Fraternity & Co’s top 10 qualities a true gentleman should live by:

One hundred of London’s most influential men have been invited to become legacy members to help shape the future of this innovative and pioneering community and in turn, will recommend other like-minded men to grow The Fraternity and spread their philosophy on a global scale.

Building an aspirational image and a lifestyle, enhanced through member benefits and rewards, members will adhere to the lost qualities of the traditional gentleman, and bring the “modern day gentleman” to life, using the platform as a vessel to infiltrate into society.

To find out more and follow the story of The Fraternity & Co, head to Instagram and follow @thefraternityandco and #whatmakesagentleman