Full and eternal bond, the father is this reassuring presence that accompanies us throughout our lives.

As a child, you can soak up your smell as if to identify and recognize yourself. The paternal figure has a fragrance. A characteristic fragrance with which nothing and no one can compete. A unique, inimitable and incomparable fragrance on which even time has no influence. Eternal, yet it is ephemeral. In his absence, we seek and search for that smell that is the key to our childhood memories.

More precious than any other, it is at once powerful and imperceptible. This volatile and elusive fragrance bears witness to a silent presence that will never be extinguished. We fill our nostrils as if to reassure ourselves. Suddenly everything comes back with astonishing precision. Feel to feel. Our mind then reminds us of this untouched, furtive and profound memory that resurfaces from the past.

Our feelings, the places, the colors, the gestures and the rituals that we used to do ... Words are not enough to express the rarity and the value of this particular olfactory presence. It represents and makes tangible this particular link between a father and his child. She is what remains timelessly.

A fragrance that exudes both presence and absence. An odor full of emotions and memories. A wild smell that is familiar to us. A unique and inimitable fragrance that comforts us and soothes us when the world or society overwhelms us. She alone has the power to reassure us as no other gesture can do. A magical and mysterious fragrance that brings out our wild nature.