Meat scandals: is it too much?
After the mad cow , the horsegate and recently the practices outright outlaw slaughterhouses revealed by the militants of L214 ... Aline Perraudin has cracked. This journalist who directs the editorial staff of Santé Magazine is defined as "carnivore complexée". What we are all about: we love animals of all kinds, we find them cute, and we close our eyes to slaughtering and meat conditioning practices , in the industrial sector. We all think, like Aline Perraudin, that cows graze in meadows, that pigs roll in pools of mud and that poultry roam worms all day long. Except that asks the journalist: "Where are the nearly 20 million cattle raised each year in France, 25 million pigs, 800 million chickens?" Locked up in farms without space, without light and feeding on somehow. We managed to dissociate meat and animals ... to keep a good conscience.
Give up the meat? Not so easy
"Even if meat is a guilty pleasure difficult to assume when you know the conditions of industrial breeding, to give it up is not a sinecure." Simply because it is not easy to go against his culinary culture. And, in France, the tradition is: beef bourguignon , veal blanquette , sausage , andouille Guéménée , etc.
In 100 days without meat , and without spoiler the challenge that launched Aline Perraudin, this last one tells the obstacles to eat without meat (the burgers on all the cards of bistrots and not many alternatives veggie), the difficulties (how do not exclude professional meals where you do not necessarily have the choice of menu ...), the risks (always eat the same thing), skidding (there, we say nothing ...). She also delivers her weapons (avoid the invitations of the old buddies, discover the vegetarian restaurants, make a list of "good reasons to stop the meat - besides" the hell of the industrial farms ", there are also factors health and At the end, it is an uncompromising balance sheet, and despite its 200 pages, this diary of an ex-lover of meat is "devoured" as easily as a burger. .
100 days without meat of Aline Perraudin, ed. Flammarion, 200 p, 18 €.