• Anti-fat

"Which says fat cellulite, said excess fat, says Catherine Serfaty-Lacrosnière, nutritionist (author of The Secrets of the anti-inflammatory diet, Ed Albin Michel). We eat too much, so we store. Only solution, reduce the intake of fat and sugar. "We limit saturated fats: cold cuts, red meat, cheese, chips, and industrial dishes that exceed 6 g of lipid per 100 g.

Refined sugar, which raises triglycerides, is replaced by sugars with low glycemic indexes, such as black bread, rye or cereals, which are high in fiber: three to four slices at breakfast and one at noon if we do not eat starchy foods. We limit ourselves to one or two fruits a day. Watch out for fresh juices and smoothies, which count for two or three fruits. One drink a day maximum. The worst of traps? Sugar hidden in light dishes or 0%. At lunchtime and in the evening, a "balance" plate is made up of one-third of starchy foods or legumes, one-third of animal or vegetable proteins, and one-third of vegetables. In snack, a dozen unsalted almonds, rich in essential fatty acids.

  • Anti-water

"Even the thinnest women can suffer from watery cellulite, due to excess water in the cells," says Catherine Serfaty-Lacrosnière. Draining potassium-rich foods such as cucumber, asparagus, fennel, leek or onion are preferred, but are eaten cooked. Be careful with soups and crudités that promote water retention.

At midday and in the evening, we consume animal or vegetable proteins and we shun foods that promote water retention. First, salt, which infiltrates the tissues. The biggest suppliers of this water sensor? Bread, soy sauce, cold cuts, mustard and all industrial dishes. The ideal: do not exceed 6 g of salt per day and use less sodium-rich salts such as gomashio or LoSalt.

  • Fibrous anticellulite

"Old, hard, both fat and watery, this cellulite is more complicated to dislodge, recognizes the nutritionist. An anti-water and anti-fat diet can improve it but without making it disappear completely. Only palpate-and-roll massage sessions will yield the fibers of the dermis. "

We put on anti-inflammatory foods, because if cellulite is not inflammation itself, but the excess fat is indeed. A favor therefore products rich in omega 3 such as oily fish or oils of nuts and rapeseed, fiber, sugars low glycemic index, herbs and spices, ginger and turmeric. Pre-inflammatory foods, trans fatty acids from chips and cakes, saturated fatty acids and high glycemic index carbohydrates are avoided.