Why do dogs or cats sometimes have bad breath?
Once in ten, it is a health problem (throat, stomach or esophagus), but in 90% of cases, it is simply due to plaque: a collection of bacteria on the teeth that has transformed with time into tartar. If it is not removed, it can cause other problems: dental abscesses, generalized infections due to toxins that can be dropped into the blood or tearing of the teeth if the tartar builds up between the tooth and the gum.
How to prevent the appearance of tartar?
Brush your pet's teeth 2 or 3 times a week. Better to get used to it small! Use a special toothbrush with fingers (available at pet shops, veterinarians and animal sites) and animal toothpaste. There are poultry flavors that can even swallow! If it does not appreciate the toothbrush (often the case of cats), there are alternatives: antiseptic toothpaste without brushing, to chew or powder, which is put in its croquettes. Or the lamellas and chewing bones (see opposite), which take off the tartar and disinfect the teeth.
And once the tartar is there?
Only one solution: scaling, practiced in the veterinarian on average once every 2 years. This is done under anesthesia and requires a one-day hospitalization (cost: 150 to 200 €). Cheaper ? Rub his teeth with a wet compress on your finger, coated with very little baking soda. And, afterwards, feed him dry food rather than soft, canned food, which promotes scaling. There are even anti-scald croquettes.
What about sprays and other mouthwashes?
It is rather cache-misère which have only a deodorizing action punctual, but do not deal in any case the source of the problem.