Arrived at destination we thought to enjoy a quiet and relaxing holiday ... Yes but here, our dog / cat is not at ease. What do we do ?

My cat is prostrated under a piece of furniture

This is often the case for cats who live in apartments and who never leave. We do not force him. In the corner where he is prostrate, a cardboard box is installed with a hole like a cat flap, to make it a cocoon of security. It will eventually come out, maybe when we turn our backs, if only to eat! To relax him, he was given toys near his corner, like a Pipolino. It is a cylindrical toy distributor of croquettes! He will make it roll and this game related to the search for food will make him want to stay out! Available on the Internet:

My dog ​​is peeing everywhere

He relieves himself behind the sofa while we spend the day at the beach? It is a way for him to mark his territory in this unknown place and also to express his fear or his anger to be "abandoned" by his master. If one spends long hours outside the house, one of his clothes is left to reveal a familiar smell reassuring. There is also a sleeping area (cover or basket). On returning, we pampered it: we take it out, we play with it. And from time to time, we replace the day at the beach by a great afternoon of stroll with him in the hinterland!

My pet makes his law

He no longer obeys, he fights with other dogs, he is a bit aggressive with us ... It is his way of expressing his dismay in the face of changing habits. The solution ? It is put back in its place, it is remembered who is the master and is sent back firmly in his basket in case of stupidity. But one does not forget to reward him warmly every time he executes an order or obeys a call. Finally, we walk it regularly. Unlike the cat, a dog is more attached to its master than to its habitat.

Thanks to Dr Joël Dehasse, behavioral veterinarian, author of " Mon chien est heureux ", by Odile Jacob.