The niaouli
The cypress of Provence
The Siberian fir
How to choose your diffuser?
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We read
? Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) to unclog the nose . It helps to evacuate secretions by fluidifying them, decongesting the nose and cleansing the mucous membranes thanks to its antiseptic virtues .
? How? By inhalation , placing the face under a towel, over a bowl of boiling water into which 6 drops of essential oil are poured to breathe the vapor. You can also put 2-3 drops on a handkerchief, sniff several times a day.
The niaouli
▪ The niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia) to clear the bronchi. Decongestant and expectorant , it helps to release the respiratory tract and fight the infection thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral action . ▪ How? In a hot bath that you breathe steam, by adding 5 drops to a base for the bath, or mixed with a fat oil (never pure), massage on the chest.The cypress of Provence
▪ Provence cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) to soothe coughs . Antispasmodic and antitussive , he calms the fifths. ▪ How? Pouring 4-5 drops on his pillow at bedtime. It is not recommended in case of mastosis, fibroma, and pregnant women.The Siberian fir
▪ Siberian fir (Abies sibirica) to clean the air. Purifying and sanitizing , it removes some of the bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere. ▪ How? Pouring a few drops into a device that serves as both a diffuser and a humidifier . The air will be less dry, so less irritating to the airways.How to choose your diffuser?
▪ To purify the atmosphere , relax or simply perfume a room, opt for a diffuser of essential oils . But, to be effective, it must allow the evaporation of oils without denaturing them, so without heating them too much. This is why it is better to invest in an electric or ionic diffuser (which transforms the oil into millions of very fine particles that remain suspended in the air) rather than in a scent burner.
▪ The Cirrus diffuser sprays an ultrasonic oil mist and changes color. Nature & Discoveries , 49,90 €.
Let's go !
▪ At the soft medicine & thalassotherapy salon . The opportunity to discover his homeopathic profile, to practice a test assessing his level of intoxication by heavy metals or, more simply, to understand why we react differently to perfumes. A dozen health conferences are planned with leading specialists, including Jean-Paul Curtay, founder of nutritherapy, or Dr. Thierry Janssen, author of The Interior Solution (Ed Fayard).▪ From February 5th to 9th, Porte de Versailles, in Paris 15th. Entry: 8 €. and 01 45 56 09 09.
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We read
▪ "Essential oils to breathe". Written by a passionate aromatherapy pharmacist, this book recalls the properties of the 30 best essential oils to breathe to treat a multitude of everyday problems (insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, overwork ...).
▪ Danièle Festy, Leduc.S Editions, collection "100 reflexes", € 12.90.