Cabbage, a reputation slimming foolproof

If you want to pay attention to your caloric intake, or if you follow a diet to slim down, bet on the cabbage. Indeed, in terms of calories, it is almost unbeatable. Green cabbage is less caloric than red cabbage. When cooked, it increases slightly the number of calories, but it remains very low. The cabbage, thanks to its fibrous and firm consistency, also makes you eat more slowly, to chew, and thus to burn calories during your meal.

Good digestion with cabbage

Cabbage is full of fiber. They are essential to your digestion, facilitating your intestinal transit. You can find it in all crucifers, and especially in cabbage. When making soup, add some cabbage leaves. This will give him some flavor while helping you digest your meal. But it can happen that you feel gastrointestinal discomfort, if you regularly eat cabbage. To avoid these inconveniences, cook your cabbage in several waters.

Essential nutrients present in cabbage

To fight against viruses and other inconveniences of the winter, the cabbage will be able to accompany you. Rich in vitamin C, it is perfect for boosting your immune system. You will also appreciate its vitamin K intake, especially in red cabbage, to maintain your coagulation and bones. Cabbage is also an excellent source of vitamin B1, since one serving covers 50% of your daily needs. And vitamin A and vitamin E, two antioxidants that preserve your cellular youth, are not left out. As for the minerals, one finds potassium, iron, manganese.