Recipes made from raw watercress

It is in raw form that watercress retains its best nutrients. A good reason to regularly prepare delicious watercress salad! In addition, watercress mixes with many foods: fruits, vegetables, eggs, cheese, meat ... What to vary your recipes to infinity! For example, for a salad rich in vitamins and proteins, you can mix watercress with pieces of grapefruit, walnuts, cherry tomatoes, orange pieces and slices of duck breast, for example. For the sauce, simply mix the juice of grapefruit and oranges with olive oil, salt and pepper. Another example: mix your watercress with boiled eggs, emmental dice and pieces of apples. For the sauce, choose a lemon vinaigrette. You can also use a little watercress to perfume your milkshakes and other smoothies: the combination with the strawberry is as surprising as it is tasty!

Cooked watercress recipes

In cooked form, watercress is usually used to make soups. Advantage: Even if the nutrients of watercress spread in the cooking water, it does not matter, since it is also consumed in the end. To make a good watercress soup, start by sizzling a little butter in a saucepan. Add cubed potatoes, watercress, thyme and chopped shallot. Wait for the watercress to soften before pouring water and a cubed broth. Once the potatoes are well cooked, remove the preparation from the heat and separate the broth from the vegetables. Mix the vegetables together. Then add as much broth as you like depending on the desired consistency. The watercress can also be used to garnish a pie, make a pesto, a sauce ... Simple idea to flavor pasta: add watercress in the pasta water at the end of cooking.