Incomprehensible! Sometimes, some of your Instagram photos happily overtake the 50 likes in 10 minutes when other times you are struggling to reach the 11 likes. Bad cliché or bad timing? The question is valid !

The Latergramme digital platform, which allows users to manage their messages on Instagram, revealed when the posting photos were most successful in a study commissioned by the Huffington Post.


The Latergramme report is unequivocal and explains that the best time to post a photo Instagram is 2am or 5pm, to better be included in the Timeline of your contacts. : "We think it's because fewer people post at that time but other more committed users are using Instagram to like or comment," says Matt Smith, founder of Latergramme.

As for the days of the week, the study wants us to favor Wednesday! However, the study shows above all that there is no absolute truth and that peaks of audience vary according to the day ... "7 pm and 10 pm on Monday, 3 am on Tuesday, 5 pm on Wednesday, 2 am and 7 am on Thursday , 1h on Friday, 2h on Saturday and finally 5pm on Sunday ", details the study

However if your photo is not terrible, no matter what time you post it!