The phenomenon of cross - allergies , which has been booming for five years, accompanies the rise of food allergy . The principle: a person allergic to banana going to his dentist can make an allergic reaction to latex. Or someone with hay fever in the presence of birch pollen makes hives as soon as they bite into an apple. Each time, there is a common protein. Just the one that causes allergy.
There are three forms of cross allergies from a food allergen . We can therefore have a food and respiratory allergy , but also a respiratory allergy and allergens latex , finally, we can suffer from food allergies crossed between them : the allergy to peanut can trigger a reaction to nuts.
What we can do
As a priority, we must learn to avoid bad encounters and to know the list of threatening "cousins": when we are allergic ...
- to cats, beware of pork kidneys.
- birch, station with apples (raw), peaches, apricots, cherries, walnuts, almonds, carrots, celery, potatoes.
- with sagebrush, station with dill, parsley, fennel and coriander.
- grasses, station with tomatoes and wheat.
- Ambrosia, station with watermelons, bananas and melons.
- birds, beware of eggs.
- mites, station with crustaceans and snails
- almonds, station with walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and pine nuts ...
- latex, beware of common foods such as banana, chestnut, avocado, kiwi, fig, passion fruit, tomato, lemon, lettuce, rye, buckwheat and herbs apartment (type ficus) ...
- wheat flour, beware of other cereals.
- cow's milk, goat milk, mare, donkey.
- peanut, beware of soy and legumes.
But the risk of cross-allergies is to make an allergic reaction even though we did not imagine being in the presence of an allergen . This can range from itching of the lips or pharynx to swelling through rhinitis, asthma attack, diarrhea and vomiting or hives. In the worst case, there may be anaphylactic shock (very rare), which may lead to death. This is a medical emergency, done on the 15th.