Practical information
  • Dessert
  • Classic
  • No
  • Easy
  • 6
  • No
  • Not specified
  • Not specified


20 cl of milk
10 g cornflour
200 g of Vivis chocolate
2 egg yolks
5 egg whites
25 g of crystallized Fructose Vivis

For mussels:
10 g of butter
10 g of crystallized fructose Vivis


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 240 ° C.

Butter the mussels 2 times in the direction of the height, then coat them with crystallized fructose.

2nd step

Boil 4/5 of the milk. Dilute the starch in the rest of the milk. Pour into the boiling milk and cook for 30 seconds.

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie over very low heat.

Mix egg yolks with lukewarm warmed milk, then incorporate melted chocolate and whisk to incorporate.

Step 3

In a mixer, whisk the egg whites. When they are firm, add the crystallized fructose. Continue whisking for 2 minutes.

Stir 1/3 of the egg whites into the chocolate mass and mix. Pour this mixture over the rest of the whites and mix again gently. Then pour the appliance into the molds (¾ of the height) then bake at 240 ° C for 6 min.

Serve immediately


The cooking time varies depending on the texture to heart you want.

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