Chrissy Teigen allows her little daughter to eat fast food.

The 31-year-old model raises 15-month-old Luna with his husband John Legend. And although there is actually something healthy to eat at Teigen-Legend, Chrissy also thinks that fries, burgers and the like are okay if you don't overdo it. "Sometimes it is hard because you want to find the balance and there is organic here, organic there," explains Teigen in an interview with the 'People' magazine, "She loves fries, she is a child. I do not want to withhold this from her "I don't want her to be able to enjoy fries or a piece of sweet. Everything is in balance."

And while her daughter is enjoying a portion of fries, Teigen indulges in her favorite food: scrambled eggs with cream. The mannequin prepares the protein bomb as follows: "I like my eggs stirred very, very slowly, with fat cream and salt and pepper. It's so good."

According to her own statement, if doughs were to be compared to a foodstuff, it would be vanilla, although she would have liked to have said something more exotic. She says, "Well, that's funny because I would like to say something crazy like chewing gum, but I'm very simple. I like everything clean and organized. I think I'm vanilla, I'm not as much chewing gum as you would think . "