Much appreciated for its nourishing and protective properties, coconut oil is a must have beauty, which is more natural.

Beauty bloggers and celebrities have already fallen for beauty rituals made of coconut oil for a long time: Angelina Jolie would start each day with a teaspoon of coconut oil, Miranda Kerr puts in her coffee, Blake Lively on her skin, and according to Jessica Alba, applying coconut oil on her body during pregnancy would prevent stretch marks. Tempting no?

Nourish your skin with coconut oil

Very rich, coconut oil nourishes the skin and soothes irritation.

Antioxidant, it fights the aging of the skin, tones it up and gives it back its radiance. You can even use it as a makeup remover, gently massaging your face with the oil. Then wipe with a soft washcloth. And not to spoil anything, it leaves on our skin a pleasant summer smell. We look like vahine!

However, it is avoided to apply on the face if you have oily skin or problem skin.

alicjane /

Moisturize and strengthen your hair with coconut oil

Rich in vitamin E, vitamin K and iron, coconut oil nourishes our hair, makes it denser and shinier. A plus for dry and damaged hair. Unraveling them with a few drops of coconut oil could also make them smoother and silky. But not to grease our scalp, it is best not to touch our roots, and focus on the lengths and ends.

To make the most of the benefits of coconut oil, you get a hair mask once a week. The oil is applied to dry hair and wrapped in a warm towel. It is allowed to rest between 30 and 1 hour or all night, according to the preferences. Rinsed by gentle shampooing and then moisturized with keratin care to strengthen the hair.

Coconut oil for whiter teeth

For whitening teeth without the need for a dentist appointment, coconut oil is another valuable ally. We have a mouthwash with coconut oil for ten minutes and we brush our teeth, to ensure a beautiful smile, fresh breath and prevent cavities.

What's more, very moisturizing, it is also perfect for chapped lips. Apply as a lip balm as soon as you feel the need.

Where to get coconut oil?

In grocery stores, on the internet at specialized sites or in organic stores: coconut oil is now part of consumer products. It is chosen 100% natural, unrefined and organic, from brands recognized for the quality of their products such as Bio Planète, Emile Noël or Khadi.