During the holidays, family meals multiplied and with them, food abuse and lack of sports.

Result: 4 kg on the scale, a feeling of constant discomfort and easy sulking. It's time to take control and start a detox cure!

What is the point of a detox cure?

A detox undermines toxins accumulated in the body and we resource from the inside. When we follow a detox cure, we depollue the body to eventually find a nice complexion, beautiful hair, a refined silhouette capital vitality at the top!

When should I start a detox?

Many women start a detox treatment in January, but rest assured there is no rule in this area. It can start anytime.

Above all, you need to be motivated, ready to correct your bad eating habits, review your lifestyle and choose the right time (you forget, for example, the period of your birthday or December 24 to 31). For maximum efficiency, plan this food rebalancing over 2 to 3 weeks.

The 3 keys to a successful detox cure

  • We eat healthily

A detox cure comes first through the diet. It's about eliminating bad fats, eating a variety of seasonal foods, substituting lighter foods for the rich, and hydrating to the fullest.

Specifically, we limit the pieces of beef and pork and opt for fish papillotes or chicken breast. As for fruits and vegetables, we are full of vitamins and antioxidants good for the skin and the heart with oranges, lemons, apples, watercress, cabbage, artichoke ...

We also zap the prepared dishes too fat, too salty and too rich in preservatives, for simple ingredients, organic ideally. Viennese pastries, biscuits, charcuterie, fried dishes and fries must also disappear from your plates.

On cool days, warm up with a cup of green tea and an infusion of cherry tails, wild pansies or burdocks.

  • Let's move !

To gain resistance, it maintains its shape by small daily exercises and / or sports classes (step, body attack, bikram yoga ...) 3 times a week. No time to go to the gym or the means to pay you a particular coach?

The easy-to-follow and free tips are numerous. If you take public transportation, get off one stop earlier to walk further. You work on the 5th floor? Take the stairs challenge and climb them up by contracting your buttocks and abs. In the office, once seated, contract for 10 seconds and release 2 seconds. Make at least 15 sets of this type taking 20s break between each.

  • We adopt the right beauty gestures

Masks, scrubs, exfoliants ... so many essential products to remove impurities from your skin and restore its radiance. In parallel, remember to clean your face morning and evening with a suitable soap.

And as having a good look also requires to have shiny hair, we finish the shampoo with a stroke of cold water, putting the head forward to prevent the effect icicles all over the body.