In the Dermatology

The surface peeling

It acts at the level of the superficial layer of the epidermis . Performed with glycolic acid , this peel exfoliates and stimulates the production of collagen by chemical reaction. Today, some doctors use LHA (Lypohydroxyacid), an active ingredient that offers faster results without any risk of irritation.

For who ? This peel is chosen after an acne treatment or on a thick skin with dilated pores. It is also ideal for gumming fine lines.

How it works ? Two weeks before, the epidermis is prepared with creams prescribed by the doctor. The peeling is done in 4 to 6 sessions spaced a week apart. You may feel a slight tingling, but the redness is minimal.

Results? The texture of the skin is more dense, its grain finer. The complexion is visibly brighter and the fine lines attenuated.

Rate. Between 60 € and 100 € the session.

The average peel

It acts on the entire thickness of the epidermis, including middle and deep layers, but without reaching the dermis. Trichloroacetic acid causes a true desquamation .

For who ? Those wishing to erase scars or pigmentary spots . In the stride, it erases the wrinkles and gives a great blow of young.

How it works ? We prepare her skin with creams a month before. In a 40 min session, the product is applied to the face or to specific areas. We feel a burning that fades in a few minutes. The effects are similar to those of a sunburn: the skin is red, then becomes brown and then peels. In 6 days, you make a new skin.

Results? This peeling is more restrictive, one is little "mountable" for a week. But the results are convincing: the imperfections disappear, the skin is much firmer and the complexion glowing.

Rate. Between 400 € and 800 € depending on the area.

At home

Peeling kits

Sold in pharmacies or perfumery, they remain an alternative to the medical procedure. Less concentrated than dermatological formulas, they adapt to all skin types. Due to one application per week for one month, their use is very simple.

For who ? Those who have the complexion blurred, dull, or oily skin. Ideal also for a first attempt or prolong the effects of a dermatological peel .

How it works ? With creams, disks, flasks and lotions, the instructions for use must be strictly observed and wait two months between treatments.

Results? The dead skin is eliminated, the cells regenerated, the complexion uniformized.

Precautions and contraindications

Sun : any exposure is discouraged for 1 month.

Pregnancy : prohibited during. Afterwards, a superficial peel can be effective to clear a pregnancy mask.

Exfoliation, depilation : not advised just before to not weaken the skin.

Fine, reactive or dull skins : exercise caution as irritations are possible.

Herpes, cutaneous wounds : wait for a complete healing.