Oily fish, healthy heart

The cardiovascular system needs unsaturated fatty acids to function properly. It can be degraded by an accumulation of fat and bad cholesterol in the arteries. Fatty acids are good fats. It is found especially in oily fish and vegetable oils. The eel is the champion of oily fish, its intake of omega-3 is very interesting for the health of the heart. It should not be abused because even though fatty acids reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, overconsumption can lead to weight problems.

Eel against free radicals

Free radicals are those little cleaners of the body that rid it of dead or damaged cells. But sometimes the body produces too much free radicals and speeds up the process of cellular aging. Antioxidants help reduce the number of free radicals and preserve the youth of the skin, but also cognitive functions. The antioxidants of eel are found in vitamin A that it contains in large quantities, such as anchovy and tuna.

Precious trace elements in the eel

Micronutrients are needed by the body to keep organs and tissues healthy. Eel is rich in rare minerals, such as iodine, which supports hormonal activity, and zinc, which is an ally against acne problems. Eel is also very rich in iron, a trace element that is used to transport oxygen in red blood cells and to produce energy. Pregnant women and children with increased iron requirements may consume eel to prevent deficiency and anemia.