Alysa finds more on her longed-for tropical vacation than she’d ever dreamed.

Alysa has always wanted to go on a tropical vacation to Bora Bora, and she finally sees it realized. Literally swimming into Heath Nash, a famous movie star she’s been lusting over, is something she wouldn’t have expected in a million years. After making an ass of herself in front of him, she makes a quick getaway, thinking he must be happy to see the back of her.

Heath had wanted to be alone but finds himself intrigued by Alysa and wants to get to know her better. He quickly accepts the attraction he has for her, and they soon agree to have a two-week fling since he can’t promise her anything more.

As their relationship evolves into something more lasting, the realities of life push their love to the breaking point. A holiday on an island paradise brought passion, but the consequences might be too much to handle.

Buy Paradise Passion here:

Alysa was sure her face had been beet red when she’d left Heath. The water had cooled her cheeks as she swam, but it didn’t do anything about the embarrassment she felt. It’d be really surprising if he didn’t think she was an idiot. First, she’d almost drowned herself when she clapped eyes on him, then she’d gone and freaked, throwing herself at him when a fish had bumped her. She blamed that on the many shark documentaries she’d watched over the years.

Without looking back, Alysa climbed the steps out of the lagoon to her deck then rushed into the bungalow, not caring that she dripped water onto the floor. She grabbed one of the beach towels she’d brought from home and hurriedly dried herself. Once she was finished, she wrapped herself in it.

She replayed her time spent with Heath and groaned. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” she said aloud, punctuating each word by hitting the heel of her palm against her forehead. He’d probably been happy to see the back of her.

Alysa glanced at the clock on the desk across from the bed. She had another two hours before the main dining room would start serving dinner. She could either sit out on the terrace and work on her tan or stay inside and watch some satellite TV to kill time until she could go to eat. If she opted for the lounge chair outside, there was a chance Heath was still there in the water and would see her. If he was on his terrace, then it wouldn’t be a problem, since it faced out to the middle of the lagoon and not toward her bungalow.

She took a deep breath and told herself to stop being such a basket case. A chance meeting with Heath Nash wasn’t going to have her holed up in her bungalow for the rest of her two-week vacation. Alysa would have to act as if he weren’t there—as if coming face-to-face with a real movie star wasn’t that big a deal. He was just another guest enjoying the resort—nothing more.

To prove she wasn’t lying to herself, Alysa headed out to the terrace. She shucked the beach towel and adjusted the back of the lounge chair to her liking. She kept her gaze averted from the bungalow at the end of the pontoon as she sat then reclined on the lounge. The sun warmed her skin and she sighed. She definitely was in paradise and she was going to make the most of every minute she spent there…

Marisa Chenery was always a lover of books, but after reading her first historical romance novel she found herself hooked. Having inherited a love for the written word, she soon started writing her own novels. She now writes young adult books and romances. Marisa lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, four children, four grandchildren (she’s a young grandma at fifty) and five rabbits.